What Is a Pyogenic Granuloma?
A pyogenic granuloma is a fast growing, reddish sore in the skin or mucous membranes (the inner side of your mouth or nose, for example). They are often found at the site of a chronic ingrown toenail and tend to be fragile and bleed easily. You will usually see or feel hard, scaly skin around the edge of the sore. They form as an over reaction by the body to an infection or chronic injury. Our Wichita podiatrist explains more below.
How Does a Pyogenic Granuloma Feel?
It can be very painful, especially if it is in the area of an ingrown toenail. If it becomes infected, the pain becomes worse, and it's usually difficult to wear shoes.
How Do You Test for a Pyogenic Granuloma?
Depending on your particular medical history, your doctor may order blood tests. Also, after removing the lesion, your doctor may send it for a biopsy because there are certain skin cancers that look similar to a pyogenic granuloma, most notably, a Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
What Causes a Pyogenic Granuloma?
These usually occur after some sort of repeated injury to the skin, such as irritation by an ingrowing toenail. They represent an over reaction by the body to a chronic injury or an infection. Lots of thin, tiny blood vessels grow into the area, giving it its red, beefy color. The lesions are fragile and bleed easily.
What Can I Do for a Pyogenic Granuloma?
Once the lesion has formed, there isn't anything you can do yourself until you've seen your doctor, except to keep it as clean as possible.
What Will My Podiatrist Do for a Pyogenic Granuloma?
The lesions will be removed by your podiatrist. They will anesthetize the area by injecting a pain medication near the lesion, so that you feel nothing. The lesion is then removed and the remaining area is treated with a medicine, a laser or an electric spark to prevent reoccurrence. If it was caused by an ingrown toenail, the edge portion of the nail will be removed. If there is an infection present, the podiatrist may give you antibiotics to kill the bacteria, or have you soak your feet in a specified solution.
How to Prevent Pyogenic Granuloma
If you start feeling pain or discomfort around your nail, see a doctor to make sure the nail isn't growing in and injuring the skin.